A female business owner stands by the door of her establishment and smiles at the camera

Business Checking

Streamlining Commerce Operations

Your business journey has enough complexity - your checking account shouldn't add more. Our solutions provide a clear path through daily finances, with the warmth of our community behind you. Let's design an account that streamlines operations so you can focus on what matters most.

Business Basics

  • Opening balance $100
  • No monthly maintenance fee if average collected balance is $3,000 or more
  • A monthly maintenance fee of $10 will be assessed if the average collected balance is less than $3,000
  • 200 transactions free per month (checks, debits, deposited items, deposits and credits)
  • $0.30 per item fee over 200

Active Commerce

  • Competitive earnings credit tied to average collected balance
  • Credit used to reduce monthly service charges and transaction fees
  • Opening balance $100
  • Monthly maintenance $10
  • Per debit charge $0.15
  • Deposited item charge $0.08
  • Earning credit $0.10 per $100

Regular Business Sole Proprietorship

  • Opening balance $100
  • Fees are based on average collected balance:
    • $700 or more – No service charge
    • $500 - $699 – $4/month o $300 - $499 – $6/month
    • $299 or less – $8/month
  • Unlimited free transactions

Non - Profit Checking

  • Opening balance $100
  • $1.00 monthly maintenance fee if average collected balance falls below $600

Business Interest Checking

  • Opening balance $100
  • Earns interest, tiered based on balance
  • Interest is compounded monthly and credited monthly
  • Monthly maintenance fee $10
  • Per debit charge $0.15
  • Deposited item charge $0.08

Man using a laptop

Business Loans

Whether you're looking to upgrade outdated equipment, expand into a new market, or overcome a temporary cash flow challenge, feel empowered to seize the opportunities that will drive your success, with a dependable banking partner by your side. Contact our Business Development Department or any Branch Manager for more information.