A couple relaxing on the beach as the look out to the water

Personal Savings

Grow Your Wealth

Your financial goals should feel like an exciting journey filled with comfort and support, not a daunting task. We've designed personal savings solutions to help build your future - from family vacations to growing your nest egg. Count on us for the personalized guidance you'd find in your local community.

High Yield Product Specials


*Annual Percentage Yield effective as of publication date. Rates are subject to change without notice. $10,000 minimum balance required. Penalty for early withdrawal.

Money Market Accounts

Wealth Management Checking

  • Opening balance $15,000
  • Premier Money Market for high balance accounts
  • Earns competitive interest rates based on tiers extending to $1,000,000
  • Interest is compounded monthly and credited monthly
  • Monthly maintenance fee of $25 assessed if daily minimum ledger balance drops below $15,000 at any time during the month
  • $25 fee assessed for each transaction that exceeds withdrawal limits.
Withdrawal limits allow 6 pre-authorized withdrawals (POS/Checks/ACH/Transfer) per 4 week or similar period. Fees will be assessed once limits are exceeded.

Progressive Account

  • Opening balance $15,000
  • Earns money market interest rates, tiered based on balance
  • Interest is compounded monthly and credited monthly
  • Monthly maintenance fee of $15 assessed if daily minimum ledger balance drops below $15,000 at any time during the month
  • $15 fee assessed for each transaction that exceeds the withdrawal limits
Withdrawal limits allow 6 pre-authorized withdrawals (POS/Checks/ACH/Transfer) per 4 week or similar period. Fees will be assessed once limits are exceeded.

HI-FI Account

  • Opening balance $2,500
  • Interest is compounded monthly and credited monthly
  • Monthly maintenance fee of $5.00 assessed if daily minimum ledger balance drops below
  • $2,500 at any time during the month
  • $9.50 charge will be assessed to all transactions that exceed withdrawal limits
Withdrawal limits allow 6 pre-authorized withdrawals (POS/Checks/ACH/Transfer) per 4 week or similar period. Fees will be assessed once limits are exceeded.

Saving Accounts

Minor Savings

  • Opening balance $0.01
  • No account maintenance fees
  • Quarterly statements
  • 3 free withdrawals per quarter ($2 for each additional)
  • $10 fee on accounts closed within 90 days of opening
  • Interest is compounded quarterly and credited quarterly
A minor is anyone under the age of 18 who has not been emancipated.

Regular Savings

  • Opening balance $200
  • Quarterly statements
  • 3 free withdrawals per quarter ($2 for each additional)
  • Minimum ledger balance below $500 will be assessed a $5 maintenance fee per statement
  • $10 fee on accounts closed within 90 days of opening
  • Interest is compounded quarterly and credited quarterly

Christmas Club

  • Opening balance $5
  • Interest is compounded and credited the last Tuesday of October each year
  • Checks are mailed during first week in November
  • Early withdrawals result in a reduction of earnings and a $10 service charge
  • Fees could reduce earnings


Encore Savings 

  • Opening balance $10,000
  • Tiered interest rates for high balance savings
  • Quarterly statements
  • Interest is compounded quarterly and credited quarterly
  • Monthly maintenance fee of $45 assessed if daily minimum ledger balance drops below $10,000 at any time during the statement cycle
  • $10 fee on accounts closed within 90 days of opening

Man using a laptop

Personal Loans

Our personal loans are designed to offer you the flexibility and support you deserve. Whether you need a small loan for minor expenses or a larger amount for significant life events, our loan options are tailored to suit your specific needs.