Young man holding a tablet in a distillery

Business Savings

Growing Your Company’s Wealth

Your company's savings are the building blocks of its future and our business accounts are like welcoming rooms in your financial home, each designed with purpose and security. Let's create a savings plan that helps your business thrive with the warmth of local community support.

Money Market Accounts

Wealth Management Checking

  • Opening balance $15,000
  • Premier Money Market for high balance accounts
  • Earns competitive interest rates based on tiers extending to $1,000,000
  • Interest is compounded monthly and credited monthly
  • Monthly maintenance fee of $25 assessed if daily minimum ledger balance drops below $15,000 at any time during the month
  • $25 fee assessed for each transaction that exceeds withdrawal limits.
Withdrawal limits allow 6 pre-authorized withdrawals (POS/Checks/ACH/Transfer) per 4 week or similar period. Fees will be assessed once limits are exceeded.

Progressive Account

  • Opening balance $15,000
  • Earns money market interest rates, tiered based on balance
  • Interest is compounded monthly and credited monthly
  • Monthly maintenance fee of $15 assessed if daily minimum ledger balance drops below $15,000 at any time during the month
  • $15 fee assessed for each transaction that exceeds the withdrawal limits
Withdrawal limits allow 6 pre-authorized withdrawals (POS/Checks/ACH/Transfer) per 4 week or similar period. Fees will be assessed once limits are exceeded.

HI-FI Account

  • Opening balance $2,500
  • Interest is compounded monthly and credited monthly
  • Monthly maintenance fee of $5.00 assessed if daily minimum ledger balance drops below
  • $2,500 at any time during the month
  • $9.50 charge will be assessed to all transactions that exceed withdrawal limits
Withdrawal limits allow 6 pre-authorized withdrawals (POS/Checks/ACH/Transfer) per 4 week or similar period. Fees will be assessed once limits are exceeded.

Business Savings Account

Regular Savings

  • Opening balance $200
  • Quarterly statements
  • 3 free withdrawals per quarter ($2 for each additional)
  • Minimum ledger balance below $500 will be assessed a $5 maintenance fee per statement
  • $10 fee on accounts closed within 90 days of opening
  • Interest is compounded quarterly and credited quarterly.

Encore Savings

  • Opening balance $10,000
  • Tiered interest rates for high balance savings
  • Quarterly statements
  • Interest is compounded quarterly and credited quarterly
  • Monthly maintenance fee of $45 assessed if daily minimum ledger balance drops below $10,000 at any time during the statement cycle
  • $10 fee on accounts closed within 90 days of opening
Withdrawal limits allow 6 pre-authorized withdrawals (POS/Checks/ACH/Transfer) per 4 week or similar period

Man using a laptop

Business Loans

Whether you're looking to upgrade outdated equipment, expand into a new market, or overcome a temporary cash flow challenge, feel empowered to seize the opportunities that will drive your success, with a dependable banking partner by your side. Contact our Business Development Department or any Branch Manager for more information.